The Company’s staff are members of various professional bodies and Triangle Venture itself regulated by SECP’s Insurance division. We also have our own standards and ethics which we comply with. The various codes of professional standards guide the behavior of our company and its staff to ensure that all those that we deal with us have confidence in us.

Our code of ethics are as follows;

  • Responsibility: We take responsibility for our actions. This means when things go wrong we don't blame others. If we suspect something is not right we are prepared to take action.
  • Respect: We treat others with the level of respect we expect to be treated to ourselves.
  • Quality: We strive to always provide a great service, provide excellent advice and support. We deliver what we promise within our terms of engagement.
  • Integrity: We are honest and straight forward in all that we do.
  • Trust: We act in a manner that builds trust and positively promotes our professions, team and business in all that we do in our professional and private life.