INSURED: Engro Asahi Polymer and Chemical Ltd
BUSINESS:  Manufacturing of PVC Resin
POLICY COVERAGE: Comprehensive Project (CP) Insurance
TYPE OF LOSS: Fire in the VCM Scrubbing Area with associated Delay in Startup 
CLAIM: Around USD 18.5 Million

INSURED: Engro Fertilizers Limited.
BUSINESS:  Production of Fertilizers
POLICY COVERAGE: All Risks Direct Physical Loss or Damage including Machinery Breakdown and Business Interruption
TYPE OF LOSS: Damage to Waste Heat Boiler
CLAIM: Around USD 12.7 Million

INSURED: Engro Polymer and Chemicals Limited.
BUSINESS:  Manufacturing of PVC Resin
POLICY COVERAGE: All Risks Direct Physical Loss or Damage including Machinery Breakdown and Business Interruption
TYPE OF LOSS: Business Interruption – Suppliers Extension
CLAIM: Around USD 11.25 million

INSURED: Sapphire Electric Company Ltd.
BUSINESS:  Power Generation
POLICY COVERAGE: All Risks and Business Interruption
TYPE OF LOSS: GT-1 UNIT, Gas Turbine Breakdown
CLAIM: Around USD 10 million

INSURED: Habib Ullah Coastal Power Company Limited (HCPC)
BUSINESS:  Power Generation.
POLICY COVERAGE: All Risks and Business Interruption
TYPE OF LOSS: Damage to Gas Turbine GE LM6000 & Associated Business Interruption.
CLAIM: Around USD 8 million

BUSINESS:  Power Generation
POLICY COVERAGE:  All Risks Direct Physical Loss or Damage including Machinery Breakdown and Business Interruption.
TYPE OF LOSS: Machinery Breakdown – Damage to Gland Seal
CLAIM: Around USD 6.7 million 

INSURED: Rousch (Pakistan) Power Limited (RPPL)
BUSINESS: Power Generation
POLICY COVERAGE: All Risks of Physical Damage (including Machinery Breakdown and Boiler Explosion) & Business Interruption Insurance.
TYPE OF LOSS: Domestic Object Damage to GT 12 
CLAIM: USD 5.2 Million

INSURED: Sapphire Electric Company Ltd.
BUSINESS: Power Generation
POLICY COVERAGE: All Risks of Physical Damage (including Machinery Breakdown and Boiler Explosion) & Business Interruption Insurance.
TYPE OF LOSS: Domestic object damage to Generator.
CLAIM: More than USD 5 million

BUSINESS: Power Generation
POLICY COVERAGE: All Risks Direct Physical Loss or Damage including Machinery Breakdown and Business Interruption.
TYPE OF LOSS: Machinery Breakdown – Short circuit in Generator Unit DG 4
CLAIM: USD 3.75 million

INSURED: Engro Powergen Thar (Private) Limited (EPTL)
BUSINESS: Power Generation
POLICY COVERAGE: All Risks of Direct Physical Loss or Damage and Business Interruption
TYPE OF LOSS: Explosion in Coal Crushing House
CLAIM: USD 5 million

BUSINESS: Power Generation
POLICY COVERAGE: All Risks Direct Physical Loss or Damage including Machinery Breakdown and Business Interruption.
TYPE OF LOSS: Machinery Breakdown – Short circuit in Generator Unit DG 4
CLAIM:   USD 3.75 million

INSURED: Engro Powergen Qadirpur Limited (EPQL)
BUSINESS: Power Generation
POLICY COVERAGE: All Risks of Direct Physical Loss or Damage including Machinery Breakdown and Business Interruption
TYPE OF LOSS: Damage to Generator Rotor of Gas Turbine and Associated Business Interruption
CLAIM: Around USD 3.4 Million

INSURED: Zorlu Enerji Pakistan Limited
BUSINESS: Wind Farm Owners and Operators
POLICY COVERAGE: All Risks of Direct Physical Loss or Damage including Machinery Breakdown and Business Interruption.
TYPE OF LOSS: Wind Farm Owners and Operators
CLAIM: Around USD 3 million